Everyone has a story! Everyone is on a journey, their own! Close To My Heart Photography was created out of love for others who are struggling with a terminal illness or disabling disease. Our passion is to serve others through the gift of photography. Our purpose is to allow those suffering to spend a brief moment in time with their loved ones, to create moments that will be cherished. Photography allows those in front of the camera to make memories that no one can take away. Pictures allow you to escape to that moment and time and bring back memories of that forever special moment spent with family. Soo many times I have heard from others who have lost a loved one, "I wish I would've had the opportunity to have this gift with my ___________, (mom, dad, sister, brother, grandparent....). Don't wait!
if you know of a loved one, friend, neighbor, co-worker who has been diagnosed with a terminal illness or disabling disease we would LOVE to give them (and their family) the gift of photography, at no cost. Please have them go to the contact icon and fill out the information. Or if you would like to nominate them, you can go to the contact page and fill it out for them.
Author - Gail BuhlerPhotographer, Caregiver, Mom, Wife, Daughter, Believer, People Lover, Sports Enthusiast, Pilates Enthusiast, Dog Lover, Thankful! Archives |